Exclusively selling at

Dienstag, 2. November 2010

My very first lottery ticket ... winner announced below

Woohoo .. did you already heard it (maybe through the grapevine) *lol*
This month you will have the nonrecurring chance to get all my stuff for free.
All I have and all I will design for the next 12 months.
And the only thing you have to do for it is to purchase my
Lottery Ticket Grabbag @ Scrap and Friends.

You get it for a limited time for 3,- € only and it contains 2 Fullsize Kits with
18 papers, 74 elements and 19 wordarts.

and here are some pages of my busy CT Girls
thank you all








and the lucky winner is

Morgane Ripert

but she didn't answered my mails
so if you read this
please contact me @

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hello, I'm Morgane. First, I wish you a happy and healthy year... I've sent you many mails but you didn't recieve them. I 'm verry sorry but I don't understand why but... Could you try : morgane-ripert@orange.fr ? Thank you for your answer
